So the next day I got up at the crack of sparrows and was shocked and awed to discover there were already people waiting in line for a camp spot?!?!
It's not a Prince concert, it's a freakin' national park people!!! |
Fortunately I managed to secure one though so all was good.
As it was still early morning I decided to do the Mandu Mandu Gorge walk before it got too hot.
Gorge-eous |
I don't want to sound unappreciative but you know how you experience something REALLY good then nothing else really stacks up? Well, after going to Kings Canyon a couple of months ago, this made this Gorge seem like "just another gorge". It was nice but I got the very distinct feeling of "Yeah it's nice, but I've had better".
So after the Gorge I drove a little further to Turquoise Bay and it didn't disappoint.
After waiting for what seemed like forever to experience clear blue ocean waters and white sand (something I was expecting of the beaches in north Qld) it was great to finally do it here.
Stepping out on to the beach was like being in my very own advertisement for Longbeach cigarettes - beautiful!
The water was so clear and blue that the photos really don't do it justice.
Turquoise Bay.....supreme |
I think I've perfected the art of "headless wildlife photos" too...
Can't run without legs...can't talk without heads... |
I spent two days here, swimming, checking out the wildlife and going on some really good beach walks. With the sun setting in the west, and time to think, it's only really sinking in that I'm in the West and it got me thinking about how far I have travelled considering my first destinations at the start of the year were on the NSW south coast where the sun rises over the ocean.
The coveted camp spot...beach was literally 10 metres behind..nice. |
Stingray...the waters were so clear you could see stuff even from the waters edge...I stayed clear of this fella...Steves and stingrays don't mix do they (too soon?) |
Evening colours were superb |
One such walk was rudely interrupted when I was attacked and chased by a crab! I shit you not!
I was there walking along, minding my own business and out of nowhere this crab rushes towards me.
I panicked a little bit and in my attempt to get out of it's way I inadvertently managed to kick it up into the air "hacky sack" style where it brushed against my thigh upon it's descent, narrowly missing Stevie Jnr. Of course by this stage I was yelling obscenities that would make your hair curl (I think "Jesus Tapdancing Christ" got a mention) but the drama was all over before it began..or so I thought...
So I walked a few metres away from the angry crustacean and searched in my bag for my camera to get a photo of him when I looked up to find the little bastard rapidly advancing towards me, nippers raised, looking as though it wanted to punch on!!
What the?!?!
So I thought, bugger you mate, if you're gonna have an attitude like that you're not gonna have the esteemed honour of appearing in my blog. I showed him. Huh.
Just another sunset...pfft |