The spot I ended up choosing the sleep over night was quite a good one - hardly any traffic or people about. So it was just a matter of pulling up, jumping over the drivers seat and into bed! It definitely pays to scout about in the day time for somewhere to park for the night then when the sun sets just rock up, park, sleep then get going before anyone wakes up - no harm done.
Went for brekky at one of the local parks overlooking the beach and saw the French girl whom I noticed in town yesterday - I said good morning and she just nodded in a curt, Frenchy sorta way so I left her to it.
I had planned to do some exercise and go for a swim in the morning but these plans were foiled by some pretty ordinary weather, cool (by Brissy standards) and the odd shower.
So I decided to go to the Inverloch library and use the internet and generally hang out until the weather got better.
Again, the library was top-notch with free wireless internet and even the bathrooms were schmicko:
After lunch I attempted to do some songwriting so I drove to a secluded part of the beach and whipped out the guitar but inspiration really wasn't hitting me so after an hour or so I decided to give it away and do some exercise as the end of the day was turning out pretty well weather-wise.
I decided to do the fitness trail that they have built along the beach front - there are four stations with about 3 exercises at each and then you jog to the next station. These were really good any another shining example of decent community infrastructure.
After exercising it was time for the dreaded first cold beach shower of my travels. I wasn't looking forward to this as I'm not a fan of cold showers at the best of times but in sub 20 degree weather and with the sun rapidly descending it wasn't all that pleasant (just between you and I, "Stevie Jnr" wasn't real impressed either).
After going almost two weeks without a decent feed of vegies I decided to cook some up with some sausages and was joined by a furry friend.
Learned another valuable bush cooking lesson - vegies take a lot longer to boil than it takes meat to cook, so in the future put them on first.
After dinner I went to the Inlet Pub to write some journal entries and start on a new book which Johnny C has lent me "The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior".
Not all that an exciting day but sometimes it's good just to chill.
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