Saturday, 14 April 2012

8/04/12 - Bluesfest Day 4

Day four of Bluesfest today and probably the best day.
At the end of John Fogerty last night, my camera was playing up so I gave it a rest and hoped it would be ok in the morning.
Unfortunately it wasn't so no more pics until I get it fixed or until I get another one (boo hoo!).

This is what happens when your camera craps itself...or you find yourself stuck in an Aphex Twin video
Today I had a late volunteer shift so I caught some bands in the afternoon before heading off to Vollie HQ.
As I had done a lot of dishwashing over the past few days my supervisor kindly put me and another lady on backstage duty for the start of our shift - and what a buzz!
Just hanging out backstage is cool enough but hanging out while Seasick Steve was playing was REALLY cool.
But it gets better. Also backstage were the guys from Wolfmother.
So here's me, backstage, standing next to Wolfmother, watching Seasick Steve with John Paul Jones from Led Zepplin playing bass. What a thrill!!
It's a pity my camera shit itself the night before otherwise I would have taken a few sneaky snaps but either way, I won't forget that experience for a while.
We were also backstage for the Weddings Parties Anything set but after that they had to lock down the backstage for The Pogues so I had to go back to the kitchen but after what I had experienced tonight - I didn't care!
We got let out early from the kitchen, so I was able to catch the last hour of John Butler Trio's set. They were great and the crowd was going off. His new bass player and drummer have revitalised their stage show and the crowd loved it.
If I was ever questioning the value of volunteering, tonight certainly made it all worth it. Great day/night.

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