Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Early start today as I was on the team with Paul, DJ, Greg, Luke, Pete and Rebecca to go and collect more hay bales from a nearby property.
It was good to go for a drive through the mountains to get to the property and Luke gave us a bit of a rundown on what's around the area and other things.
I really enjoyed sitting back and taking it all in and being on a farm reminded me of my grandparents farm as a kid which I loved so much.
After some breakfast, I was allocated compost duty with Mark.
This compost was FOUL, neither of us were prepared for the stench and I nearly dry retched but soon got used to it.
It seems like we're going to be fed breakfast, lunch and dinner all week so that's really cool.
After lunch, Pete and I went around the Festival site, erecting the bamboo flags about the place. Pete seems like a pretty down to earth and easy going dude. He's a bit of a Jack of all trades, even scaling a tree to install an Avatar.

Would you believe I am yet to see the Avatar movie? How good could it be, really.
The festival site is slowly starting to take shape with everyone working on their own little projects.

Michael, Lee, Dan, DJ and Stu admiring their handy work on the main stage
After dinner I went and got Fred and we had a bit of a listen to a jam that was taking place after dinner in the "Chai House".

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