Saturday, 19 May 2012


I didn't have a bad sleep at the Roadhouse stop.
In fact, I rested enough to set up the old tripod and take a pic of me at the rest stop.
The first attempt was a fail due to an annoyingly placed blade of grass:

Steve & The Giant Piece of Grass
I then made use of the free (and delighfully hot) showers then spent some time in the rec room playing some tunes (and no, "Roadhouse Blues" did not get a run!).

"Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheee-el!"

I got talking to some old codger who considered himself an expert on most things. He then said he needed to go have a shave and make himself pretty and I told him it's probably gonna take more than a razor and he told me to stick it up my arse (jokingly, I think).
I then went into Townsville and had a bit of a look around - seems like a nice enough place from what I saw of it.

Townsville..lookinf pretty cool from this angle

I managed to check my email whilst in town and found out I was due at the Cairns Blues Festival site to help set up at 9am on Friday so I will need to make sure I get to Cairns by tomorrow.
The night was spent at Blue Water camp area and I got chatting to Cecile who lives in Cairns and it turns out that she is the cousin of Shane Howard from the band Goanna.

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