Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Andrew invited me down for the daily "Bush Breakfast" which is set in a wonderful spot, 200 metres from the main reception/bistro area amongst the trees and wildlife.
I was stoked when he asked whether I was available to do a residency all of next week, playing to punters every night, in return for accommodation and meals.
I had nothing to do next week before heading to Normanton so I didn't hesitate to accept his offer.
It's funny how for years I didn't do things because I couldn't possibly see how things would work out but when you put yourself out there, or are at a loose end, it's amazing how things can just drop in your lap. And even if they don't, I think my outlook and attitude has changed to not get too bummed out by it and to have faith that things will work out in the end.
So driving away from Undara, with two successful gigs under my belt, offers of more gigs next week, Paul Kelly playing on the stereo and enjoying the Aussie outback landscapes which looked like they were straight from a postcard, for a few seconds or possibly even minutes, I can say I was indisputably and genuinely happy.
The destination today was Forsayth for another gig.
The road was pretty good until Mount Surprise, then it deteriorated a bit.

mmmm outback roads....

I stopped for lunch and petrol at Georgetown then headed south towards Forsayth.
I knew the road was gonna be dirt for a little while but it was a little further than what Freda and I bargained for but we got there eventually.

eghhhhhhhhhh dirt roads.....
When I got to the pub I met Helen the publican and her kids as well as Soly who helps Helen out about the place.

Hannah and Helen
They were all really nice and welcoming.

Forsayth Hotel

The bar

All set up and ready for the gig
It's "Rocky"s 60th Birthday bash tonight so Helen wasn't sure how many people were turning up tonight.

Happy Birthday Rocky!
Soly showed me my room (that's three roofs in three nights - count 'em) which I was obviously quite happy with.


Then it was gig time..and what a fizzer!
I did three sets and had people up dancing for the last couple of songs but they just weren't into it.
What a come down from the last couple of days!
Rocky came up to me at the end and commiserated with me, which actually made me feel worse as I knew it wasn't all that successful but to have it confirmed in such a nice way, almost broke my heart!
Ah well, you win some, you lose some.
I can understand why successful (and even unsuccessful) musicians turn to drugs or just have a hard time with being in the music industry.
It really is the high highs and low lows. And the ones who are able to cope with both and continue on are the ones who survive.
So yeah, I guess the longer you do it, the more you learn about which venues and audiences are best suited to your music/show and which ones you should steer clear of (unless the money or the perks are too good to resist!).
So yeah, I'm meant to be back in Georgetown tomorrow for a gig before heading back to Undara for a week on Sunday.
Rocky gave me an ominous tip, if I'm not their kinda country in Georgetown, I'm not gonna last long. Great.

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