Thursday, 12 July 2012

Undara Memories From My Diary

So rather than individual day blogs I'm just flicking through my diary and will note a few things that were memorable to me. They may not be of interest to you but will be to me when I go back through my entries down the track.
My time at Undara was up there with my Wintermoon experience a couple of months ago in terms of the people I met as well as the development I made with my music.
Some memorable moments:
* Campfire music at night time has been great and is the perfect setting for the songs and style of music that I'm doing solo. Audiences have been really good, receptive and appreciative. Every night was memorable for one reason or another and I managed to shift a lot of cds.
* A grey nomad couple wants to adopt my song "Somewhere where I'm not" as their theme song as they travel around Australia.
* New song "Older Wiser" is getting a good response every night so I think it will definitely get a spot on the new cd whenever that happens.
* Coco pops and ice cream with Lulu and Ronja.
* Getting asked to play encores of only my originals - cool!
* Lulu is a hit with the audiences with her version of "TNT" - very entertaining.
* Bloke at the pool seeing me surrounded by bikini clad women and asking me how I do it. I just said "I play guitar" and everyone laughed. Lolz
* Getting kids up to sing "Waltzing Matilda" with me.
* Having to sing "Happy Birthday" to Cherry the dog.
* Meeting Bev and Silvio from Fremantle.
* Doing "To her door" and singing the line "Really hit the skids" just as the fire sparked and scared the crap out of Ronja who was closeby taking photos.
* Chatting to Lee for a couple of hours after a gig.
* Sitting around the campfire til 4am with Sarah, Ollie and Angus from Townsville drinking Broo beer and marvelling at the staying power of the now legendary "Ollie Log" (you had to be there).
* Selling a cd to a ridiculously hot girl from Austria.
* Taking photos of the audience on the nights I remembered to bring my camera.
* Meeting John from NZ and his family. John gave me a shirt that says "Living the dream" which is kinda what I'm doing.
* Being given a block of chocolate from a Cadbury rep as appreciation for my night of music.
* Meeting Norman Lindsay, not THE Norman Lindsay, who said my vocal tones remind him of a cross between James Taylor and Cat Stevens.
* People coming up to me after gigs and saying they prefer my version of "Old Man" to Neil's (I kid you not!)
* Talking pop culture crap with two very cute school teachers from Cairns round the campfire and having them leave me a couple of apples at reception the next day (naaaaaaaw).
* Watching the Origin finale with the staff then having a campfire jam afterwards.
* Getting a handmade cd selling sign from Lulu and Ronja (naaaaaaaaw).
* Getting little Abigail up to help me sing "Waltzing Matilda" then later in the night heard her singing my song "Older Wiser" word for word - amazing.
* Mum to my left blaming a "squeaky chair" during a break between songs, yeah right Mum...

John (left) and his crew - thanks for the shirt mate!

Camp fire crowd! (PS That's a mic stand in the foreground, I swear!)

Lulu and Steve (check out the grin!) LOL!

Chocolate ans the dream!

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