Sunday, 25 March 2012


Woke up to weather that wasn't too bad despite the overnight rain.
However it looked like more rain may be on its way so it was time to reluctantly leave my camping spot by the creek.
I played a few tunes in preparation for a gig this weekend then I hit the road with the intention of getting to Newcastle or a bit further by the end of the day.
On the way I stopped and looked at a dam:

Dam! I wish I was your lover (Sophie B Hawkins)
I also went for a drive through the main street of Lithgow (mainly because that's where Roy from Roy and HG grew up i think) then it was off to Katoomba to check out the Three Sisters, or so I thought.
When I got there, the fog was SHOCKING! Bearing in mind this is mid afternoon in the middle of March - what the?!?!
I went to the lookout area anyway and as suspected, could see bugger all.

Nice view...of the fog!

Wow...glad I stopped at Katoomba...

No, it's not Wagga on a winters's Katoomba in summer!
As I walked back to the car I passed a bus full of Japanese tourists with their cameras and had an internal giggle that, like me, they wouldn't be taking any photos of The Three Sisters today - poor buggers. At least I can come back some time if I really want to but I doubt they'll get another chance to see them - oh well.
It was then time to head north but in order to do that I had to head east and through a bit of Sydney - fark!
It wasn't too bad though - congestion wise or other drivers-wise.
In fact, if you're every feeling bad about yourself, take a drive to Sydney in peak hour and let people in front of you - they LOVE you for it.
I do it by nature when appropriate as I'm a firm believer in "traffic karma" - if you're nice and let someone in, one day the favour will be returned when you need it.
Well, to firstly see the incredulous look then the beaming gratefulness on these Sydney siders faces when you let them in was enough to warm the deepest cockles of my heart - how funny!

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