Sunday, 25 March 2012


Today was a surpisingly good day - not that I expected it to be bad, but after the crappy foggy weather yesterday and not having any real plans apart from just getting further north, it was a good example of just hitting the track, following a few signs, making a few decisions and having a nice day.
Tonight was the first night I had stopped over at one of those highway rest stops and even though it didn't compare to my previous nights by the creek, I had a sound sleep despite the constant noise of the freeway traffic.
I ended up a few km's north of Raymond Terrace and continued north along the highway then took a coastal road with the aim of getting to Forster by the end of the day.
Along the way I stopped for a leak at a beach called Elizabeth Beach which I was stoked to find also had showers (albeit cold). I was just going to have a shower then move on but thought I'd better have a quick squiz at the beach.
So I did and it was beautiful! A small beach, and sheltered at each end by rocks and vegetation it reminded me a lot of the lovely beach at Wilson's Prom.
Given that the day was perfect weather-wise, sunny but not stupidly hot, I realised I couldn't waste this opportunity for a swim before having a shower.
So it was into the ocean for Steve and it was glorious, the water temp matching the air temp - magnificent.

Abandoning the tripod I tried my hand at manual selfy - not too bad, right?
After a shower I lazily made my way to Forster and treated myself to a couple of beers - the perfect way to end a strangely perfect day.

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