Thursday, 8 March 2012

Day 39 - 4/3/12

Woke up to a bit of sunshine so decided to make the most of it and went for jog - got a bit lost but eventually found my way back home.
Amanda's friend, Fotini, came over and with her housemate Cathy we went to brunch (because that's what you do on a Sunday in Melbourne, apparently).
After brunch we then for a (long) walk to Clifton Hill and Northcote, which according to the last census is the suburb populated by most of Melbourne's musos. A little factoid for you there.
A pic of me was also taken of me with city in the background but I have included this one of the girls as they are a lot more photogenic!
On the way back, we walked through Edinburgh Gardens where I took this photo:

Edinburg Gardens just before "SausageFest 2012"
But five minutes later I kept the camera in my pocket as we walked through a bunch of naked cyclists!
We didn't quite know where to look as we carefully edged our way through the crowd trying to brush past a stray appendage or two.
Later at the pub we met up with Amanda's friends Ben and Jess and had a good laugh about the random public nudity. One bloke that didn't escape our attention was "bagel boy" who had a lot going on in the downstairs department - holy moley! I swear it was that big it probably had it's own heart and lung!
Too much information?

Discussing doodles: Amanda's friends are good company but I swear they need some lessons on how to pose for a photo - they're so bad they make ME look good!

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